학과(부) 안내



성명 한태영
재직학과 산업심리학과
직위 교수
전화번호 940-5426
연구실 위치 한울관 626호
이메일 tyounghan@kw.ac.kr

주요 연구분야

주요 연구분야 Team Performance, Performance evaluation & Management, Talent Management for Leaders


학사 학교명 학과(전공) 학위 기간
학사 고려대학교 심리학 문학 학사 1985.03.02~1992.08.25
석사 고려대학교 산업심리 문학 석사 1992.09.02~1995.02.25
박사 뉴욕주립대 산업조직심리 문학 박사 1999.09.02~2003.08.01


근무처 직위(보직) 기간
포스코경영연구소 책임연구원 1995.9 - 1998.6
Excelsior College, Albany, NY Director of Outcomes Assessment 2002.4 - 2004.1
한국 산업 및 조직 심리학회 회장 2016.1 - 2016.12

주요 수상실적 및 자격증명

수여(발급)기관명 포상 및 자격증명 수상일자(자격획득일)
광운대학교 화도학술상 2009

주요 논문 실적

논문명 저자 발표지 집권호 출간일
The Investigation of Individual & Team Adaptive Performance: A Test of a Homologous Model affected by Performance Coaching & Feedback Environment Han, T.Y. & Cha, Y.S. Korean Journal of Management 19(1), 1-45 2011
An Investigation of the Construct of Performance Evaluation System Effectiveness from the Evaluatee’s Perspective and Its Measurement Tool Han, T.Y. Korean Journal of Industrial & Organizational Psychology 23, 365-395 2010
The Investigation of a Homology Model to Job Burnout and Team Burnout Choi, J.M. & Han, T.Y. Korean Journal of Management 17(4), 1-45 2009
The Effects of Learning Goal Orientation, Error Management Climate, and Change-oriented Team Leadership on Adaptive Performance and Continuous Learning Activity Kim, T.H. & Han, T.Y. Korean Journal of Management 17(3), 117-159 2009
Multilevel Investigation of Adaptive Performance: Individual- and Team-Level Relationships Han, T.Y. & Williams, K.J. Group & Organization Management 33, 657-684 2008
A Biopsychosocial Perspective to the Burnout of Korean Workers with Diabetes Han, T.Y. American Journal of Public Health 32, 741-753 2008
The Interaction Effects of Burnout, Psychological Collectivism, and Personality on Adaptive Performance Han, T.Y. Korean Journal of Industrial & Organizational Psychology 21, 197-218 2008
The Effect of Rater Training Type on Rating Accuracy: Focusing on Interaction Effect of Accountability and Rater Mood Cho, J.H. & Han, T.Y. Korean Journal of Industrial & Organizational Psychology 21, 197-218 2008
The Causal Relationships among Disease, Stress, and Job Outcome Han, T.Y. Korean Journal of Industrial & Organizational Psychology 20, 197-218 2007
Multilevel Investigations of the Effect of Empowerment on Job Effectiveness and the Effects of Justice and Related Variables Han, T.Y. & Kim, W.H. Korean Journal of Management 14, 183-216 2006